Saturday, May 21, 2011

On The Treatment of Animals

            Killing an animal in order to eat is not in any way immoral or wrong, however cruelty towards the animal while it is alive is immoral and unacceptable. After the flood God allowed man to kill animals for sustenance, not for torture. Animals, unlike man, have no soul which means their lives do not carry on after death. Animals have a body and instinct, much like a computer or robot is programmed to perform specific tasks, but no soul which sets humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. The argument may be made that animals can communicate which means that they do have a soul, like humans. Communication is different from speaking, a monkey can sign for food, a dog can let you know it need so use the restroom and so on. This takes repetitious training and does not denote any kind of soul but rather simplistic thinking as a monkey can not develop these kind of skills on his own, let alone form any kind of complex sentence that would denote any kind of actual feeling connected to that word, as far as love, happiness, or even sadness. Animals cannot connect words to feelings, apart from a want or desire for something.

This does not mean animals cannot feel any kind of pain, on the contrary, animals are quite capable of feeling pain and therefore it is our responsibility to make sure that they do not suffer, especially on account of our gluttony. God gave man dominion, to authoritarian control, over the earth and everything in it. We rule over the earth and creation on behalf of God, not as bloodthirsty tyrants, and this is exactly what we are doing. Animals have become nothing but a commodity, an object, a source of food and not a living breathing creature capable of experiencing pain. Not as a beautiful creation of God, but as something to be used, abused, and profited from. What does that say about us, that animals treat us more humane than we treat them? 
Countless animals are tortured and killed, not only for food, but in the name of science, for the greater good of mankind. This really is a very slippery slope of “the end justifies the means”. Since animals mean little science deems them fit for study through means of torture, to better mankind. Smash a monkeys head in to understand brain trauma in humans, but what is stopping them from experimenting on other humans? Now, when I said this what kind of person did you imagine? I would like to think that most of us immediately thought of, what we view as, the typical human being. Of course not one of use would ever allow a fellow human being to be subjected to such tortures, no matter how it may benefit mankind. However, science would likely use an outcast of society, someone easy to demonize, perhaps a convict, maybe even a prostitute, and it is highly likely that even homeless could be used. All easy targets, none of them would be missed, and it is easy for all of us to write them off as being non-human, beastly, waste. Much like we already feel towards animals. 

I find the inhumane a cruel treatment of animals to be unacceptable and quite disturbing. We can peer into the soul of an individual who has little regard for the living breathing creation of God and see little or no compassion. God allowed us to kill and eat animals, and this should not be something that we delight in doing, killing, but do in remembrance of  the sin that caused this. Each day I find it more and more difficult to consume the flesh of the animal, even though I do not kill it, nor see it killed, or even abused. The mere thought that I have no idea how this animal died or how this animal was treated, turns my stomach.  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Emancipation of the Woman


       Why do you paint your faces? Is the reason to “enhance your beauty”? Is not the beauty given by God sufficient? The outward beauty was created by God and hence should not be altered, while the inward beauty depends upon the individual and can be altered or enhanced. If you wish to enhance your beauty then be obedient to God and let it radiate outwardly from within. Do you not know that painting your face and dressing in an immodest fashion is sinful? If you do this, and it is indeed a sin, and you bring a man to look upon you in lust, is your sin then doubled? I am not saying that women who act in this manner are whores, I am merely showing that they have more in common with a whore than with the saints. To approach the body and blood of our Lord with painted faces, partially exposed breasts, and or tight fitting clothing is disgraceful. 

I am sure that many will come to view what I am saying as sexist enslavement, hardly, these words are that of emancipation. You are not slaves to this world so why is it that you willingly embrace its chains? The world tells us that this behavior is liberating, but I find this to be deceit. Many women refuse to leave their homes unless they have their make-up on, and their fashionable clothing . Since this is a sin and they are unable to separate themselves from it, they are not free in any sense of the word. They have become slaves to sin. Since much of this behavior brings the wandering eyes, and the weakness in men, to look upon them in sin, they have compounded their sin. Therefore our women have embraced the shackles of this false freedom, then compound the weight of their sin with another, whom they brought to sin, how is this liberating?

A prostitute does not dress modest. She does not humble herself by keeping covered. She must dress provocative in order to draw the attention of men. What is the purpose of an Orthodox Christian woman dressing herself in a similar, provocative, fashion? Does this become different and acceptable when the woman is Orthodox? Absolutely not. While the intent of the Orthodox woman, most likely, is not to draw men into sin, she herself is still sinning and bringing others to sin. This demonstrates there is little difference in appearance between a prostitute and any woman who dresses in a provocative, even slightly revealing, fashion. What was the first thing Adam and Eve did after they fell into sin? They covered themselves, and God had fashioned clothing for them. Did God fashion for eve a nice tight fitting top that enhanced Eve’s breast size and showed a fair amount of clevage, and did He fashion short and very tight shorts? God would not fashion such degrading clothing, even for those who have disobeyed Him. If Adam and Eve fled from God because they were naked, why is it acceptable for anyone to approach the body and blood of Christ looking like a whore?